If you are interested in finding out more about permaculture consider joining a group (there could well be an active group in your area). For details of groups and events see the Permaculture Melbourne website (www.permaculturemelbourne.org.au) or search the web for a group in your area
Most groups offer informative newsletters, a chance to network with people who are happy to share their skills, visits to properties to see what others are doing, and access to a host of free or low cost workshops on topics like grafting and pruning.
The best way to “get into permaculture” is to do a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course. Now is the perfect time to check out what’s available because there are many courses getting under way in the near future.
If you would like to do an “Introduction to Permaculture” or a Permaculture Design certificate (PDC) course we particularly recommend those run by:-
• Graeme George PH 5962 5070 Courses in the Yarra Valley, Croydon Hills & Brunswick Email: earthcarepc@virtual.net.au
• Peter Allen (http://www.petethepermie.com/) Courses in the Dandenong Ranges & Eltham PH 0418665 880
• Cam Wilson http://www.forestedgepermaculture.com/ Course at Heathmont
Many people do not realise that Permaculture is much more than organic gardening. It is actually a design system that can be applied by anyone whether they live in the suburbs or the country. Permaculture designs take the total picture into account, including food systems, water supply, energy use, building design, fire defence, waste minimisation, maintaining environments, diversity, urban solutions and much more. After the course, you will be in a position to draw up a design for your own property from scratch, or if infrastructure is in place, “retro-design” the property to make it work better. Some of the courses are subsidised and offer excellent value for money.
There are many websites with information about permaculture and sustainable living. Here is a selection that we recommend:-
• http://www.seedinternational.com.au/pc_principles.html Great site for information regarding permaculture concepts
• http://www.petethepermie.com/ Pete runs a whole range of courses & sells fruit trees & shrubs. He has a wealth of knowledge about fruiting plants, which he is happy to share.
• http://www.permaculturemelbourne.org.au/ Information about permaculture & groups around Melbourne
• http://communityharvestproject.org.au/ Great for information about events relating to local food production from backyards to larger operations
• http://www.holmgren.com.au/ David Holmgren is a co-originators of permaculture and his website contains information and publications relating to the subject
• http://belindas-simple-life.blogspot.com/ Belinda lives in the Dandenong Ranges and produces an informative blog which covers a wide range of topics
• http://greeningofgavin.blogspot.com/ A suburban journey towards sustainability that started after Gavin’s green “epiphany” (a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into reality). Gavin’s blog is very readable and informative. He is passionate in his beliefs, and entertaining in his delivery. Once you start reading you will find it hard to resist joining his blog as a “follower” and checking in on his journey